With Ms. Vu Thi Lien Huong, Second Secretary (Head of Education Division) of the Embassy of Vietnam in Japan visited Seitoku University

On August 3, 2023 (Thursday), Ms. Vu Thi Lien Huong, Second Secretary (Head of Education Division) of the Embassy of Vietnam in Japan, along with Chair Nguyen Thuy of our association, visited Seitoku University as part of an educational facility inspection tour in Japan.
During the visit to Seitoku University’s campus, they toured various facilities, including the affiliated kindergarten, the Seitoku Gakuen Founder’s Memorial Hall, the Hiroaki Kawanami Memorial Library, and the etiquette room. Additionally, they were introduced to Koei VERITAS Middle School and High School and the affiliated elementary school within Matsudo City. They received detailed explanations not only about the buildings but also about the educational policies from kindergarten to university levels.
As Vietnam experiences economic growth and an improvement in living standards, there is also a strong emphasis on investment in education. Recently, many Vietnamese schools have been looking to Japan’s school facilities and educational models as references, with an increasing number attempting to replicate them.
As society evolves in this new era, human needs are also changing, requiring a delicate balance between preserving one’s own culture and embracing reform. As one of the Vietnamese individuals working in the field of education, Chair Nguyen also appears to be thinking earnestly.
The AFA would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and President Hirozumi Kawanami, Professor Tamayo Kawanami and Professor Takashi Misuyoshi, as well as many other staff members at Seitoku University for their detailed explanations. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to gain valuable insights.
Thank you very much.
Asia Future Association (AFA)