Nguyen Thuy, the Chair of our association, has been studying poverty in rural areas of Vietnam and is dedicated to poverty reduction efforts. In 2003 and 2006, Nguyen conducted research on poverty by investigating rural areas in northern and central Vietnam. She personally worked with individuals and households who were struggling with poverty and saw many children dropping out of school to help their families. Nguyen strongly believes that education is essential to avoid falling into the “poverty trap,” and that children must receive a sufficient quality and quantity of education to prevent them from dropping out.
In 2007, Nguyen Thuy and her family started a private scholarship fund called “Uoc Mo Cua Thuy” (Thuy’s Dream), providing assistance to underprivileged primary school students. Since then, she continues to make significant donations to the fund each year with the hope of nurturing these children’s wishes. For Nguyen, helping many impoverished children fulfill their dreams is also her own dream. In 2010, Nguyen and Professor Rui Takahashi of Tokai University continued to support schools in Quang Ngai City, where many children facing poverty and financial difficulties were in attendance.
Nguyen also pondered how impoverished children in other Asian countries could be given educational opportunities. Therefore, to expand the scope of support, she established the Asia Future Association (AFA) in 2022, deciding to operate theThuy’s Dream scholarship as a fund managed by the organization, and changing its name to the AFA Hope Foundation“. The association’s mission is to shed light on the hope of underprivileged children, nurture their dreams, and ensure that all children can attend school happily and with peace of mind.
We believe that everyone has aspirations regardless of their social status or age. Bringing hope to poor children is also ideal in realizing the “No one left behind” world that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim for. With your support and cooperation, AFA will continue to strive towards the ideal of growing children’s seeds of hope into fruitful trees for the future of the target countries and the continent as a whole.
2022, September
Asia Future Association (AFA)


Dr. Nguyen Thuy  (VN 2007)







Dr. Rui Takahashi (VN 2010)