Providing 41 Bicycles to Children Under Difficult Circumstances

Upon the conclusion of the 2022 school on June 20th, Mr. Thai Thinh Nguyen of the AFA Hope Foundation scholarship fund awarded 41 bicycles to underprivileged children at Pho Hoa Primary School (Pho Hoa, Duc Pho, Quang Ngai).
These children’s dream of getting a new bicycle has after many months become a reality. “I’m really happy when I receive the bike. I will try to study hard and follow the instructions of teachers and everyone. Thank you very much,” said Oanh, one of the recipients.
Wishing you a new school year filled with joy, diligent study, and a constant nurturing of your dreams of academic excellence. Together, we wish to help you make those dreams a reality.
Asia Future Association (AFA)