Terms and Conditions

1. The name of this conference is the Asia Future Research Conference (AFRC for short).
2. The purpose of this conference is to promote the exchange of information and collaboration among researchers and educators from higher education institutions in Japan, Vietnam, and other foreign countries, with the aim of building an international educational research environment and fostering highly skilled professionals who can contribute to the international community.
3. The conference will hold regular study meetings (at least four times a year, including one general meeting) to achieve the above objectives. It will also engage in other necessary activities to achieve its objectives.
4. Researchers and educators who are interested in building an international educational research environment and fostering highly skilled professionals can participate in this conference, regardless of their field of specialization.
5. The secretariat of this conference is jointly held by the secretariat of the Asia Future Association.
6. To participate in this conference, approval must be obtained from the board of directors of the Asia Future Association. Those who wish to withdraw from the conference must inform the board of directors through the secretariat. If it is discovered that someone has joined for political activities, religious recruitment, profit-making purposes, or engaged in disruptive behavior, the board of directors may immediately request their withdrawal.
7. Members of this conference are entitled to participate in study meetings, apply for research presentations, and receive recommendations for presenters, as well as participate in the conference group email and have their research information posted on the Asia Future Association website.
8. This constitution can be revised upon the proposal of the board of directors of the Asia Future Association, with the approval of two-thirds or more of the attendees at the general meeting.
🌟This conference is free of charge.